Residential Aged Care Management Software With Intelligent Automation - GSO Care Aged Care Software

GSO Care Pty Ltd

GSO Care Aged Care Software - Innovative, exceptional and seminal.
Melbourne, Australia
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GSO Care® Aged Care Software

Innovative Exceptional Seminal

Gso Care Pty Ltd identified a gap in the ability of providers to continuously deliver consistent, quality Aged Care. Our intelligent event driven automation technology enables management to run a productive business using real time data.

GSO Care empowers carers to spend more time caring, increasing the smiles on the faces of the residents and their families, whilst minimising the Achilles heels of aged care - quality standards compliance, complaints and the funding gap differential.

Our Intelligent Automation Technology
enables providers to

Increase Gross Annual Profit By Over $335,000 Per 100 Beds*

Reduce The Cost Of ACFI Appraisals By > 85%

GSO Care® Aged Care Software is a comprehensive care management system for care providers.  GSO Care® includes our live care simulator.

Click on any of the links below for a more detailed explanation.

In recent correspondence with Canberra, we were informed that, "It is important to regularly consider how innovative thinking and technical solutions can contribute to increasing the quality of life for older Australians."

With the utmost respect, everybody "regularly considering" resulted in a Royal Commission.

As the late John Kennedy (former coach of Hawthorn AFL club) said, "Don't think, DO!"

Automatic Roster Of Care Generation

With GSO Care, Resident Of The Day, birthdays or any other celebration become exactly that, a celebration for the resident, NOT an excuse to catch up incomplete care documentation.
Mums, dads, grandparents - all elderly people in our community - must be treated with respect, dignity and be afforded (lifestyle) choices.
GSO Care - Aged Care Software - Happy Smiling Faces
Our precious elders should enjoy their twilight years in a safe, secure, comfortable environment where they feel appreciated and loved.

A dear friend of ours, Ms Lisa Testart, has written a book regarding her journey through domestic violence.

The book is titled,

"The Monster I Loved - Diary Of A Predator"

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